Gianluca Grea, Presidente DeA Capital Alternative Funds Sgr

Gianluca Grea


Gianluca was appointed Chairman at DeA Capital Alternative Funds on April 12th, 2023. Moreover, he has been Chairman at DeA Capital Real Estate since April 12th, 2016.

Gianluca gained decades of experience in the fields of corporate, real estate and financial law. He continued his professional career as General Counsel and Secretary to the Board of Directors in listed and supervised companies of the Pirelli Real Estate Group. Based on the various roles covered, he directly participated in M&A operations, capital market transactions, listing processes on the stock exchange, promotion of takeover bids also of shares of real estate funds, startups of real estate asset management and servicing activities in the NPL sector. During the group's expansion phase in Europe, he was responsible for structuring and organizing, including participatory, coordinating and managing the various legal and corporate functions.

His recent experience has focused on corporate governance issues, with reference to the organization, processes and procedures of financial intermediaries, subject to the supervision of the Authorities. Today, together with Alessandro Chieffi, and other partners, he founded CG Partners – Legal Governance, a boutique specialized in corporate governance, internal control systems, capital markets and corporate transactions in general.

He has been a lecturer at the University of Genoa and at the Catholic University of Piacenza, where he has held courses on corporate governance issues and is the author of publications and speaker at conferences.